Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 5, 2011

Good things...

  • I finished one of my grad projects. (Click to see)
  • I went in for my first check up in years (other than OBGYN) and was told I'm perfect... as if we didn't already know that!  LOL  Dr was happy with my exercise plan and  stuff :)
  • I completed most of my portfolio for work
  • My walk with S was lovely-- oh and S, it turns out we walked 2.3!  
  • Compliments.  I've been getting a lot of them lately and it really brightens up my days
  • Had a nice short jog with the fam this afternoon :)
  • I see a light at the end of the tunnel... come on May 26th!

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 5, 2011


I haven't been blogging nor taking photos.  Work, grad school and housework are taking up a bit of my time.  I have everything due soon-- projects, assignments, grades.  On top of all this I have to plan lessons, grade things, be everything to everyone and attempt to have some semblance of a normal life.  The few moments I have are spent with T and C (as that is never a moment wasted) and in between all that I have to fit in working out.  So yeah... you could say I'm stressed.

Things I'm looking forward to this week:

a nice walk with S tomorrow
finishing up my storyboards and reflection so I can be DONE with the one class
bed snuggles
Mother's Day

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2011


60 is the number of minutes it took me to plan my lessons for tomorrow.
40 is the number of work days before SUMMER
30 is the number of minutes it took for me to get sunburnt
24 is the number of work days before Seniors are gone
15 is the number of minutes I was in grad class tonight
8 is the grade I received on my last assignment (out of 10 : / )
7 is the number of days I was in lovely Florida
6 is the number of hours I'll probably sleep tonight
1 is the number of people I missed the most while in Florida
0 is the amount of motivation I have to go to work tomorrow
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