Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2012

Flowers & Twigs - New Quilling Technique Tutorial

How to Make The Petal -New Techniques

Step 1
Take 2 strips of different colors (paste one end together) or a single strip and paste it round your quilling needle handle to form a ring.

Step 2
Wrap the rest of the strip round the first circle  to make the usual coil, allow to unwind and gum it. once completed it will look like the above.

Step 3
Take the coil  and hold it between your thumb and forefinger on either side and push  the top towards  the bottom right in the middle with a sharp object  or your quilling needle, while pushing the two sides together.

Step 4
While still pressing the sides together, take a new strip and encircle it around the petal as shown above, and gum it and viola !! you got your petal.

Step 5
Now for the centre, make a fringed flower by using a 3mm un-fringed strip for the centre and 5mm fringed strip and for the outer black petals, use 7mm , but fringe it wide and have only around 8 to 10 cuts. Use your own color combination.

Step 6
Stick the petals to the fringed flower slightly angled up. The easiest way is to allow the glue to dry a bit and get sticky before you paste it.

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