Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2013

Quilled Picture - Little Robin Red Breast

Quilled Bird Quilled robin Quilled Picture Quilled Art

A quilled picture (bird) of little Robin Redbreast is my first post for the year. I  have quilled birds before starting with a humming bird  with flowers very early into my journey into quilling. I soon followed this up with a  quilled parrot and a feathery discussion which became quite popular with many viewers. Then I quilled Fuchsia Honey Shower which had another humming bird. However All those were quilled with coiled shapes.

For Robin Redbreast, I wanted a lifelike appearance so I adopted a basic shape that looks more like feathers and glued it onto the backing, graphic quilling style. I have also used the proper colors of the actual bird by referring to a photo of the bird.

I quilled the legs using my stem technique for which I have posted a tutorial earlier on. The tree trunk is graphic quilled and the method is given in the tutorial link above.

For the background I have used the less emphasized beehive quilling that I adopted in my Nativity scene. The edging is  done with crimped red strips.

I am very happy with the results as it turned out better than I expected. I hope you like it too. I would love to have your feedback.

Beehive quilling Tips & Tricks are here.

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