Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 4, 2010

Woman on a mission...

The weather is fabulous so I went to pull out my summer clothes and they don't fit.  I had a complete meltdown/set back moment yesterday and then stopped feeling down on myself since that doesn't help matters.  I guess my exercise plan was too little too late so I've given up just about everything I enjoy eating.   I'm not eating candy/dessert, no regular soda (although I had already cut that one out) and limit of one Coke Zero a day... otherwise drink water and my morning OJ.  I'm also cutting back on cheese and bread.  I'm going to stick to salads, protein (lean chicken or seafood) and veggies, low fat yogurt and fruits.  So far so good although it's day one and a half ;)  I made C and T grilled cheese sandwiches with carrots and ranch dressing and made myself a big salad instead.  I LOVE grilled cheese and had no problems feeding it to them and not have it for myself.  I am determined.  Help me out people!

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