Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

Random thoughts and Blessings

I'm going to ramble on since I can't get my brain in order.  Here's what's on my mind"
  • So blessed to have had time alone with my hubby thanks to the in-laws.  This was the second time I've ever been away from T for a number of days and I must say this time was MUCH nicer.  I gotta do this more often.
  • Happy to have finished editing last weekend's shoots.  One week turnaround time is not bad!
  • I'm totally weirded out... my ex boyfriend messaged me on AIM asking if I would be able to shoot his wedding.  I'm SO charging his a$$ more than anyone else.  I would NOT want an ex at my wedding-- but that's just me.  A job is a job I guess... should I shoot?  
  • My voice yesterday sounded like a 60 year old heavy smoker.  It was sexy.
  • My Christmas cactus thinks it's getting to be that time of the year... guess he has been checking out the malls.
  • I have 14 conferences already... and none of the conferences are from the parents of the two kids who failed for the quarter.  Guess it makes sense...
  • I just found the most magical blanket ever at Target... it's red plaid on one side and fleecy magical goodness on the other.  It's the softest blanket I've ever had.
  • Since I can't ever seem to have a break on a weekend to see my friend W and do our annual photo shoot :(  I had to come up with an idea of what we want to do for our x-mas pics.  I'm really excited about my idea and I hope it turns out.  It should be cute.  Stay tuned.
  • I gotta go write up a test... SO not getting into this week.  Is it nap time yet?

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