Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 2, 2010
Biggest Loser Giveaway!
Ladies, check out Wisconsin Mommy's blog... she has a Biggest Loser prize pack that looks pretty cool. Click here to check it out!
Date Night #6 and #7
Last week we went out to Olive Garden and to Michaels so I could do some craft shopping sans kid. (C's date idea for me)
Last night we watched Star Trek and had popcorn on our living room floor :) It was nice to get some cuddle time. (My date idea for C... must admit I liked Star Trek!)
I'm loving our date nights!!!!!
Last night we watched Star Trek and had popcorn on our living room floor :) It was nice to get some cuddle time. (My date idea for C... must admit I liked Star Trek!)
I'm loving our date nights!!!!!
Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2010
Etsy Find Wednesdays #16....
Not really an awesomely awesome/awful post... just awesome.
I had this necklace made for myself by rubywillow. Just $15 dollars! I like that it's a "mommy" necklace but it doesn't scream that... supposed to be a nest with my T egg : )
Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 2, 2010
Count your Blessings Tuesday #24
Today I am grateful for:
1. A boy and his dog...

2. A dedicated father and husband

3. Time with friends outside of that yucky place we call work

4. All this white stuff finally starting to melt... even if it's making stuff muddy

5. Plane tickets to see my parents in July so T can have time in his Abuela's garden

6. Getting to shoot another wedding... this time "for real"!
1. A boy and his dog...
2. A dedicated father and husband
3. Time with friends outside of that yucky place we call work
4. All this white stuff finally starting to melt... even if it's making stuff muddy
5. Plane tickets to see my parents in July so T can have time in his Abuela's garden
6. Getting to shoot another wedding... this time "for real"!
Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2010
Who's shooting a wedding in July?
I am!
I felt WAY too at ease during my client meeting today. Perhaps this is what I'm meant to do...
So excited to be capturing this couple's wedding... they're cute and laid back (my kind of couple!).
W, get your camera, you're coming with me!
I felt WAY too at ease during my client meeting today. Perhaps this is what I'm meant to do...
So excited to be capturing this couple's wedding... they're cute and laid back (my kind of couple!).
W, get your camera, you're coming with me!
Fitness Thursday # 7
Sick Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and working again Wednesday and today leaving me TIRED.... so it's a big FAIL for this week. I'll try to redeem myself over the weekend.
Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 2, 2010
Count your Blessings Tuesday #23
(and I just realized it's Wednesday at 9:28 at night.... you really do lose track of time when you're off work since Feb 5th!)
Today I am grateful for:
Today I am grateful for:
- roses everywhere :)
- remembering how to teach
- unexpected time with my family
- haircuts
- S'MORE goldfish... delicious
- booked trip to Florida in July!
- nap time... how I'll miss it!
Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 2, 2010
I have a HUGE fan of my art work...
Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 2, 2010
3 down for the count...
C, T and I are not having the best of days today. I started feeling crappy before lunch yesterday and I haven't eaten anything since 9:30am yesterday aside from a few goldfish. C woke up at 5:30 this morning head first in the toilet and has been making frequent trips since. C took T to daycare this morning so that we could crash on the couch for the day.... only to get a call from daycare a few hours later that little T's butt exploded. So, here we are... all at home and pooped... literally and figuratively. C and T are napping and I'm thinking about joining them shortly.
Meanwhile... check out the butterflies I got for my birthday that I never got around to posting about:

Meanwhile... check out the butterflies I got for my birthday that I never got around to posting about:
Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 2, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 2, 2010
Date Night #5... Better late than never!
C and I had a crappy Friday so we decided to have date night tonight-- and I'm SO glad we did. My original plan for date night was to have a "love" Scrabble game (where you can only use words dealing with love, inside jokes, etc) and drink some wine. At the last minute today we decided to add pie making to the list of activities since we found a recipe we wanted to try out. Check out our date night:
All the ingredients needed for our pies...

We were a bit over dressed for pie making ;)

Rolling out more dough...

My pies had Fluff and chocolate chips...

C's pies had strawberry preserves and chocolate chips...

Before going to the oven...

Bake at 375 for 15 minutes...

Meanwhile we started our Scrabble game with some wine...

: )

Half time.... I must say that C's pies turned out better.... somehow my Fluff disappeared in baking...

So "love" Scrabble turned out to be harder than we thought... we made a new rule that we could put the word down if we justified it. For instance "dog: 'cause you're my dog yo and you always got my back" and "port: because you're the port I'll always come home to..."
We got creative ;) I won by 100+ points.

Best date night yet!
All the ingredients needed for our pies...
We were a bit over dressed for pie making ;)

Rolling out more dough...

My pies had Fluff and chocolate chips...

C's pies had strawberry preserves and chocolate chips...

Before going to the oven...
Bake at 375 for 15 minutes...
Meanwhile we started our Scrabble game with some wine...

: )
Half time.... I must say that C's pies turned out better.... somehow my Fluff disappeared in baking...
So "love" Scrabble turned out to be harder than we thought... we made a new rule that we could put the word down if we justified it. For instance "dog: 'cause you're my dog yo and you always got my back" and "port: because you're the port I'll always come home to..."
We got creative ;) I won by 100+ points.
Best date night yet!
Color Test-- Thanks C!
I took this test and this is the result... what do you think?
You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles. |
Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 2, 2010
Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 2, 2010
New wish list...
If this is how Mother Nature is going to be... this is what I want..
1. 4WD Ford Escape in metallic blue
2. Snowshoes
3. Snow blower...
4. Sled...
5. Appropriate snow gear...
1. Trip to Hawaii until April....
Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 2, 2010
Count your Blessings Tuesday #22
Today I am grateful for....
- a day with T at daycare so I can get things done around the house before the second round of snow comes by.
- A friend with 4wd who can take you to Target and Chick fil a
- tax return in the bank (briefly) and paying off a credit card
- cookie brownies
- extra snuggle time with T
- a husband who takes the dog out in the cold so I don't have to!
- having two great group members in my grad school group... I wish I could say I had THREE great group members but it's not happening...
- SKYPE! Again! I got to see/talk to my sister in Texas and see my niece and nephew. I also got to see and talk to my other two sisters so that's pretty cool!
Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 2, 2010
Bakerella... I pink puffy heart you!
Thanks to Bakerella, I made this: (photo taken before going in the oven)
Cookie mix + Brownie mix = PARTY IN MY MOUTH
Cookie mix + Brownie mix = PARTY IN MY MOUTH
On a side note, I HAVE been using the elliptical although today I used my walk in the snow as my exercise for the day and yesterday I shoveled... that counts too, no?
I can't beat it so I'm going to make the most of it! I'll go ahead and thank HoCo for the early call on the closing tomorrow : ) I'll be glad not to be at work and have to brave all that yucky whiteness out there.
I've enjoyed spending lots of quality time with T and C and although the house is a mess because of a certain two year old, it's nice and warm and we have all we need :)
I've enjoyed spending lots of quality time with T and C and although the house is a mess because of a certain two year old, it's nice and warm and we have all we need :)
Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 2, 2010
Date Night #4
For tonight's date night, C planned for us to make each other Valentine cards.... I thought it was cute that he picked something right up my alley and WAY out of his ;)
Here are our masterpieces... we decided to use magazines and paper only...
Here's C with the card I made him...
Here I am with the card he made me... awesome penguin I must say...
Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 2, 2010
Fitness Thursday # 5
This week I get two thumbs up.... exercised Tuesday AND Wednesday before grad class and tonight. Go me!
Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 2, 2010
My Mommy....
She had her colonoscopy today and it's free of cancer and any other issues : ) YAY!
On another note, my uncle has been posting photos of her from when she was little on Facebook (as per my request) and this one is my favorite... I can totally see me in this photo... I think it's the cheeks!
On another note, my uncle has been posting photos of her from when she was little on Facebook (as per my request) and this one is my favorite... I can totally see me in this photo... I think it's the cheeks!
enough is enough. I get it... you exist... you can change plans.... and you can BITE ME! I'm done with you!
Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 2, 2010
Count your Blessings Tuesday #21
Today I'm grateful for:
- a husband that comes out to pick up my butt-- I fell on the ice this morning and couldn't get up
- unexpected birthday gifts that arrive late-- thank you Nana (C's grandmother)!
- good students-- I really luck out at this school. No matter how much of a pain they can be sometimes, they are good.
- breakfast for dinner-- yummy omelettes and hash browns
- a toddler that would rather eat carrots than anything else... and also eats peas, lettuce and pickles... and every fruit you put in front of him.
- ... another Tuesday to count blessings because I'm in complain mode right now.
Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 2, 2010
Yay for taxes being done...
Yay for refunds!
Yay for paying off a credit card!
Yay for money left over!
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