Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 2, 2010

Count your Blessings Tuesday #22

Today I am grateful for....

  • a day with T at daycare so I can get things done around the house before the second round of snow comes by.
  • A friend with 4wd who can take you to Target and Chick fil a
  • tax return in the bank (briefly) and paying off a credit card
  • cookie brownies
  • extra snuggle time with T
  • a husband who takes the dog out in the cold so I don't have to!
  • having two great group members in my grad school group... I wish I could say I had THREE great group members but it's not happening...
  • SKYPE!  Again!  I got to see/talk to my sister in Texas and see my niece and nephew.  I also got to see and talk to my other two sisters so that's pretty cool!

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