Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2010

I always wonder... what did I do!?

So most of you know the departmental "smack down" we had before the end of the school year and you know how we found out that someone was being ignored and mistreated for no reason at all.  I consider this person my friend and mentor-- I've shared many things with her.  So, after that meeting I knew she was upset and I told her to meet with me the following week for lunch so we could talk away from school.  I got an e-mail a couple of days after school ended canceling our lunch date with no details-- just can't make it, sorry and no plans to reschedule.  I e-mailed back saying we can meet at a later time and asked to re-schedule... no reply.

I am really hoping that the lack of reply is because her daughter had her baby and she's busy being a grandma.  I'm hoping that I have not lost a friend because I tried to make peace in the department.  I hope that the pain goes away for her.

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