Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 3, 2013

Quilled 3D Flower Frame - Sweet William

A quilled flower frame of Sweet Williams or Dianthus  to celebrate spring. The camera has warped my straight frame!!  This time I have used paper strips folded Zig-Zag (fan) to make the petals. I had to create two tone , jagged edged petals,  so, apart from using small basic shapes to create a molded petal I thought this was the easiest way to make the petal.

The techniques is the same one I used for Pansy Paradise. This petal has white at both ends and pink in the middle.  This is not a petal that will satisfy a perfectionist,  but I am more prone to look at the forest rather than the tree so it is fine with me. I am more interested in the appearance looking natural so I tend to overlook the flaws.

The leaves are also made using the tapering fan fold or christmas tree fold that I mentioned in my Poinsettia Tutorial. Though these are not the real Sweet William leaves I kinda preferred them for this frame, hence I have used them.

The Plant was made 3d and then glued to the backing.

Love to hear from you all.

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