Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 3, 2013

Quilled Picture Portrait Of Jesus Christ - Into Thy Hands.....

This quilled picture portrait of Jesus Christ on the cross reminds me of his last words. " into thy hands I commit my spirit". This complements and completes the series of  3 other  Christ's portraits I have done which relate to the passion .

Crown of Thorn
To Calvary
Father Forgive Them

I have used a combination of coils, zig-zag folded shapes (tutorial here) and graphic quilling for this project. I have outlined the portrait in white to achieve the effect of reflected light. I think it helps to enhance the image and bring it out of the white background.

I have tried to make the nose look a bit hooked by arranging the shapes appropriately.

All you wonderful people are so generous with your comments and it encourages me no end to try more difficult project. I would love to hear what you think of this one.

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