If you don't know anything about Demetri, watch this:
Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 9, 2009
Demetri Martin!
I just bought us tickets to go see the comedian Demetri Martin at UMBC October 17th! We have our trusty babysitters lined up so it's an official date night! WOOOT!!
I'm doing away with Etsy Wednesdays... it was fun but now I don't want it to be an obligation. I'll keep count your blessings Tuesday 'cause you should always take the time to do that.
Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 9, 2009
Count Your Blessings Tuesday #3
I am thankful for:
1. All the compliments I'm getting on my appearance... it's nice to know my efforts are not in vain.
2. An awesome grad school class that I'm actually interested in and excited about.
3. Having two more car payments.
4. Freshly mowed lawn... thanks C!
5. T's sense of humor.
6. "Me" time!
Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 9, 2009
Creative Fun
Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 9, 2009
The photos that don't make it...
Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 9, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays! #3
Falling for fall :) I love fall and love to decorate the house with fall-ish stuff. Here is my favorite fall item for the home and my... not so favorite:

Awesomely Awesome:
This pair of pillow covers from SFOQuilter @ $22.00 for 2 is a classy pick to bring fall in the living room. I love the mod pattern and colors used :) I just have to convince C that this is a necessary purchase! (it's cool that you can take the cover off and it would take up less space to store!)
Awesomely Awful:
This toilet cover from Kimsclassycommodes costs $44 dollars... that alone repels me. Who would pay $44 dollars to cover their toilet in this? Well, maybe my MIL! I never consider the toilet in my "must decorate" for the holidays list... to each his own I guess!
Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 9, 2009
Count Your Blessings Tuesday #2
Today I am grateful for:
1. Being well enough to be at work and not use up more sick days.
2. The patience that God has given me to deal with my child... God knows I need it some days!
3. My husband who continues to be supportive of everything I set out to do.
4. My in-laws who come and relieve us of our parental duties for a few hours AND spoil our child for us.
5. The warm and inviting home that I have despite of it being a mess half the time ;)
6. Life and the time to enjoy it!
Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 9, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays!
Today's picks are just in time for fall... those key items you need for the cool fall weather!
Awesomely Aweful
At $55 dollars you can carry around three flying disks for a pickup frisbee game AND keep warm at the same time. I think what's best about this is the model and the badly placed branches that make her look like she has horns. In any case, if you'd like to purchase this lovely item, check out thebeachcomberstudio.
Awesomely Awesome
A little pricey at $62 dollars but very chic and has been featured in a few magazines. Check out necklush on Etsy!
Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 9, 2009
Count Your Blessings Tuesday
I want to take a moment every week to count my blessings which, thankfully, are many. I am thankful to be blessed with the following:
1. A cancer-free mom! It was caught early enough that the cancer could be removed yesterday.
2. Having a husband who is 100% supportive and helpful-- especially now that he has to take care of both morning and night time routines on Mondays.
3. For being able to continue my "get healthy" initiative and purchase and elliptical... C and I want to be dead sexy by next summer :)
4. A healthy, happy and super smart kid who is my joy and my life.
5. Friends who are supportive of my photography business and are helping to put my name out there.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 9, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays!
I've decided that every Wednesday I'm going to post an awesome Etsy find and one awesomely awful Etsy find. For those of you that don't know... Etsy is a website that brings together all sorts of crafty people and they sell their creative creations! I'm addicted.
Awesomely Awesome:
This pendant is so cute and rustic. I'm a fan of letter writing and wax seals just scream "romantic" to me. At $26 dollars it's not so bad a find. Check out RitzyMisfit's shop!
Awesomely Aweful:
For $209 dollars you too can own a diamond and silk bib! When the heck would you wear this? In any case... it's definitely not my style but if it's yours... check out BejewelledBeSpoke's shop!
Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 9, 2009
Family... can't pick 'em
I consider myself a family oriented person. I call my parents every day at least once and keep in touch with my brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, etc. I've helped my family when in need and will always be there for them. Why is it that I'm the one that's always in the wrong with certain family members? I'm going to separate them in a list for ya:
1. My one sister I don't talk to and that's by choice. When we lived together she left me with all the bills while she took her family to "Vegas." She then proceeded to take things out of my room while I was in the moving process because she thought I didn't need it. She always thinks everyone owes her something because she has it so bad. NEWS FLASH life consists of life choices and you have to live with what you picked.
2. My brother on my mother's side thinks I've been fed with a silver spoon and have had an easy life. Again, they didn't really live with me so it's hard for them to know what I've been through. No, I didn't go through a divorce but I did go through my mother's depression, bankruptcy, my father being mentally and emotionally abusive, etc. Reason they don't know about these things it's because I've learned from them, I don't throw myself a pity party. He had the same opportunities I had and he chose the "easy" way which wasn't so in the long run.
3. My other brother on my dad's side whom I've almost killed with my bare hands because of his selfishness is now angry with me. At first I was amused because he got so angry and now I'm extremely annoyed. His wife posted pictures of the family on facebook and I commented on a few of them... on one of him and his wife I jokingly said "____ you look gorgeous but what are you doing with that thing? (that thing being my brother). Brother, you can't deny the (insert my maiden name here) genes!" He sent me a nasty e-mail asking me who I think I am saying those things... that he's not a thing and the reason she's with him is none of my business...asked "who are you? miss universe?" I replied to that "It was a joke. Go to hell."
They're all older than me and need to basically grow up. I understand that they have issues with their parents splitting up. I know that I'm the only one from my parent's marriage so it may seem like I'm favored. I will not apologize or feel bad for the life I've lead and I refuse to feel bad for what they're going through. Grow up and live with the choices you made.
Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 9, 2009
Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 9, 2009
I think I get it now...
I am my worst critic... always have been and always will be. My father is my second worst critic and he has never hesitated to tell me I suck. I always think people are being nice if they're saying that my photos are great or if they like what I've made them... my eyes just see what I could have done differently to make it even better.
In the past few weeks I've had more than a few people... people that don't really need to be nice to me or say anything to me, go out of their way to tell me that they really enjoy looking at my photos/blog/etc. Just tonight I got a message from a parent at T's daycare saying just that... and a message from our media specialist at work saying my blogging skills rock. She asked if I would teach other teachers how to make the most of blogger. That may actually be fun if S.E. isn't there.
So... I need to stop being stupid and realize that I may actually be talented. I need to stop criticizing myself... so much. The only way to get better is to see where there is room for improvement!
Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 9, 2009
Eeeeek! My new business cards!
As you all know, I had designed round business cards and actually got them in the mail. While I like the round cards, I've found something that's even better AND cheaper! Meet my new business cards from Moo (20 dollars for 100 cards... each printed with one of my photos!):
Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 9, 2009
... is kicking my ass. I'm so freaking tired. I hope it's just because it's the first week because I can't take a whole year of this! End of rant.
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