(My awesome photoshop skills!)
Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 12, 2009
Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 12, 2009
Feeling crafty...
I'm tapping into my inner Korean girl and making origami stars like nobody's business. Why? Because I just learned to make them and I'm addicted.... I plan to make enough to fill a jar and call it the wishing jar 'cause you know when you wish upon a star....
Count your Blessings Tuesday #16
Today I am grateful for:
- a fantastic Christmas
- meeting up with friends you haven't seen in a while
- time to appreciate my smart little boy
- our membership to the aquarium :)
- my time off work even if it's not with C
- our new dryer coming today so we don't have to run our clothes TWICE before they're dry!
Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 12, 2009
I know I take every Tuesday to count my blessings but I don't think there are enough Tuesdays out there for me to count them all ;) My biggest and best blessings are C and T and every single moment I spend with them. It was great to be home and sit back and just take in how awesome a family I have and how lucky we are to be together, healthy, in a warm house with gifts under our tree.
My favorite gift this Christmas, however, was not what was under my tree. It was to watch the wonder and excitement in T's eyes as he saw his gifts. It was also sharing that moment with my parents over Skype... it was how T thanked Santa for his gifts without us telling him to say thank you. It was watching C play with T and how he too was enjoying the moment.
Thank you God for all the blessings in my life... for blessing me with these moments.
1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
My favorite gift this Christmas, however, was not what was under my tree. It was to watch the wonder and excitement in T's eyes as he saw his gifts. It was also sharing that moment with my parents over Skype... it was how T thanked Santa for his gifts without us telling him to say thank you. It was watching C play with T and how he too was enjoying the moment.
Thank you God for all the blessings in my life... for blessing me with these moments.
1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 12, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays #15
I was going to find something Christmassy for today's Etsy post but I happened upon this awesomely awful find and couldn't pass it up....
Awesomely Awful: Brief Jerky from mixedspecies... only $139
For just $139, you too can be dazzling in these undies made out of real untreated jerky... sexy AND a snack... awesome! The bedazzling is excellent... think I'll get a pair for C!
Awesomely Awesome: "ditto"
I have no idea what I could pair this up with that would even compare...
Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 12, 2009
Have I told you how much...
Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 12, 2009
Count your Blessings Tuesday #15
With only an hour left before midnight, I can say it's almost Tuesday ;) Today I am grateful for:
1. Unexpected quality time with T :) We had an awesome day today just the two of us.
2. Clean house courtesy of Tia, our cleaning lady.
3. Christmas shopping DONE! Presents wrapped!
4. A snowy day that forces you to forget about what you need to do or where you have to be... and lets you just enjoy the time :)
5. Snowflakes (yes, I hate snow but snowflakes ARE pretty)... paper snowflakes colored by T and painted snowflakes on my toes
6. Dancing with my two men.
7. C's warmth... God knows I need it on these cold days!
8. Pretty Christmas sugar sprinkles on yummy sugar cookies made from scratch.
9. Eggs and bacon with hash browns on a snowy Saturday morning :)
10. Three days 'till Christmas!!!!!!
Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 12, 2009
First Memory of Snow...
My first time ever seeing snow was in 1996-- if you recall, that was the year of a huge snow storm. I loved looking at the pretty snowflakes and everything blanketed in white. I went outside and was excited for about 10 minutes... built a mini snowman... and that was the end of the love. I've never sledded, never built a snowman taller than a foot and I'm ok with that.
Snow, you can suck it!
Snow, you can suck it!
Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 12, 2009
Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 12, 2009
Special Edition Etsy Post
Instead of awesomely awesome/awful, I need your input! I'm buying a new camera strap.... can't make up my mind on the fabric! Please let me know which one you like!
Count your Blessings Tuesday #14
Today I am grateful for:
- Taking a day for myself on a Monday : )
- Cute hair and glasses!
- First "real" photography customer
- Having the guts (thanks to C) to give my business card out to a stranger... yes, I know that's what they're for but I have a hard time giving them out.
- My cute parents who couldn't wait until Christmas to open their presents (and now there's no doubt as to why I am the way I am)
- "Mommy, I sing... I love you... you love me..." : )
- In-laws who come to watch T so we can have fun!
Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 12, 2009
The Cord Jacket...
C bought a corduroy jacket this weekend and we had an extensive conversation about the different ways it could be worn and what it would mean if you wore it that way....
With a button down shirt = hot guy
Button down shirt + tie = hot guy going to work
With a shirt = artsy
With a turtle neck = douche (only certain men can pull this one off. I think they have to be Brazilian ;) )
With a cowboy hat = cowboy
With awesome beard = genius
With crazy beard and hair = hobo (he's wearing cord pants... couldn't find one with a jacket)
New glasses :)
I'm sitting here waiting for class to start... thought I'd share a pic : ) You can also kinda see my haircut but can't get the full effect~
Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 12, 2009
Did photo shoot today AND edited ALL pictures already.
Finished my grad school paper and teacher accepted it.
Made 50+ cake balls/truffles and bagged them.
Finished all Christmas shopping.
Found great deals at Old Navy.
Had date night with hubby twice!
Went out with great friends I've been meaning to catch up with.
Planned lessons for the next 8 days.... now if only I could motivate myself to actually GO to work, that would be great.
Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 12, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays #14
Awesomely Awesome: Bella's Moonstone Ring $40 from eternallyoung
This ring is a replica of Bella's ring in Twilight / New Moon.... it's also MY ring now thanks to C :) I love it! No, I'm not a Twilight fanatic like that... I just really liked the ring from the movie ;)
Awesomely Awful: Edward Cullen Bottlecap Pendant $6.00 from BigDamnShiny
Not only is this cheesy but Edward is SO not hot and NOT what he looks like in my head from reading the books. Glad C didn't get me that ;)
This ring is a replica of Bella's ring in Twilight / New Moon.... it's also MY ring now thanks to C :) I love it! No, I'm not a Twilight fanatic like that... I just really liked the ring from the movie ;)
Awesomely Awful: Edward Cullen Bottlecap Pendant $6.00 from BigDamnShiny
Not only is this cheesy but Edward is SO not hot and NOT what he looks like in my head from reading the books. Glad C didn't get me that ;)
Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 12, 2009
Count your Blessings Tuesday #13
Today I am grateful for....
- pretty white fluffy snow... even if it IS on a weekend
- 9 years with C... may there be many more to come
- tantrum-free days
- pretty wrapping paper and bows :)
- warm fuzzy blankets
- being excited about Christmas (It's been a while since I've felt this way!)
Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 12, 2009
Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 12, 2009
Homemade for the Holidays
T and I made these lovelies for some special people! I think they turned out cute AND it was easy enough for T to be able to paint and apply the sequins. I did the cutting and gluing.

We also made flowers but I didn't notice until I loaded the picture that a sequin was taken away by a little hand...
We also made flowers but I didn't notice until I loaded the picture that a sequin was taken away by a little hand...

Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 12, 2009
9 years...
C and I have been together for 9 years today. Gotta love the guy :) Had to go and dig online for our engagement photo.... here it is!
Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2009
Etsy Find Wednesdays #13
Awesomely Awesome: Personalized Holiday Cards $21 for 12 from PrettySmitten
While a bit pricey, it's über cute and worth the money for those special people in your life you'd like to send a special hand-written note to! Perfect for my grandfather who complained last year that I just sent a photo card with no note... to which I answered "at least I sent a card!"
While a bit pricey, it's über cute and worth the money for those special people in your life you'd like to send a special hand-written note to! Perfect for my grandfather who complained last year that I just sent a photo card with no note... to which I answered "at least I sent a card!"
Awesomely Awful: Mr. T Christmas Card $2 for 1 from sechetesdents
Nothing says Merry Christmas or Joyeux Noel like Mr. T calling you a fool with reindeer antlers on! Well worth $2 bucks if you ask me.... wait, I'm not supposed to want it. Damn.
Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 12, 2009
Count your Blessings Tuesday #12
I am grateful for:
1. Quality alone time with hubby
2. Christmas lights
3. Hugs and kisses from T
4. Trader Joes
5. My grad school professor letting us turn in our final paper early
6. Cute clothes so I feel like a hot mamma :)
Mom Update
Mom is in the hospital. She has an infection in her bladder and colon... she has a growth in her colon that has slowed down her system thus causing the infection. They put her on antibiotics and will have to do surgery. It is possible that the growth is cancerous so they'll need to do a biopsy. I'm scared out of my mind and I hate that she's in Florida and I am here. I should be there for my mother :(
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