Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2009

Etsy Find Wednesdays #13

Awesomely Awesome:  Personalized Holiday Cards $21 for 12 from PrettySmitten
While a bit pricey, it's über cute and worth the money for those special people in your life you'd like to send a special hand-written note to!  Perfect for my grandfather who complained last year that I just sent a photo card with no note... to which I answered "at least I sent a card!"

Awesomely Awful:  Mr. T Christmas Card $2 for 1 from sechetesdents

Nothing says Merry Christmas or Joyeux Noel like Mr. T calling you a fool with reindeer antlers on!  Well worth $2 bucks if you ask me.... wait, I'm not supposed to want it.  Damn.

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