Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 8, 2010

What defines me?

I am tired of making my weight define me.  It doesn't help that I have others (and by others I mean my family) making comments about my weight--but I'm not any easier on myself than they are.  They just further justify my scrutiny.

I am a fantastic mother, wife and friend.  I am intelligent and creative and have more on my plate than the average person.  I can balance work, school and family like no other and don't slack in either one of those arenas.  I am beautiful both inside and out-- so why can't I see that?  Why can't I see that I am more than the number of my pants?  Why can't I see that I have eyelashes others would kill for?  That my skin is flawless and my hair is thick and beautiful?  Why can't I see that regardless of that size, I have a good sense of style?  Why do I stand in the mirror and criticize every single thing I see instead of looking at what I just mentioned?  Why can't I pat myself in the back for working out for the past couple of weeks even though I've been exhausted?  Why can't I give myself a little cheer for the small steps I'm taking to a healthier me?  

I need to define myself... and it should have nothing to do with size.  I rock.  Period.

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