Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 10, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesday

Today I am grateful for:

  • patience.  I've been needing a lot of it as of late both at home and at work.
  • my scheduled facial on Thursday.  MUCH needed!
  • no grad class on Wednesday!!
  • Glee time with C.  I rarely ever watch TV so at the suggestion of a friend, C and I downloaded the first season of Glee and we've been watching two episodes a night.  LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!
  • C going along with my crazy creative/organizational endeavors.  I know it's not easy living with me... especially when I start color coding things.
  • yummy dinners at home made by yours truly!  (chili and garlic rubbed tilapia with mashed potatoes, apple crisp dessert, blackened shrimp alfredo with whole wheat pasta and chicken/veggie stir fry to name a few)
  • fall leaves... SO pretty!

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