Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 12, 2010

I never post on Tuesdays...

Maybe I should change it to "whenever I feel like counting my blessings".  Any day is a good day to think about what you're grateful for, right?

Today I am grateful for:

  • cuddle time with C and passing out on the couch ;)
  • going out on an errand and ending up driving around looking at Christmas lights before heading home
  • my parents.  I hope they know I love them and that's why I get upset because I don't see them often!  
  • C's interview this past Monday.  I'm so glad he got called to interview and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he gets the job.  Either way I am proud of him and all he has accomplished thus far!
  • having almost all presents wrapped and most of my cards ready to mail.  I love wrapping presents and addressing Christmas cards :)
  • T saying "you look beautiful, Mommy"... kids don't just say things if they don't mean it!
  • date night with C this Saturday!  Museum and yummy food--here we come!
What are YOU grateful for?

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