Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 9, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

I don't know if you've  noticed I haven't done a blessing post in a while.  I am eternally grateful but just can't think of a few to write about.  Between work (a new class that I have to constantly be planning for) and grad school... plus home, I'm drained.  At least I know that my energy is being used for important things!  I'm putting the blog on the back burner for now until I have something to write about ;)  Sorry folks!   

Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 9, 2010

Facebook Drama

So the Facebook Drama that I had mentioned before continues.  Yesterday my nephew posted that he wishes he were dead and that his life sucks.  My brother, HIS DAD, "liked" his status.  There is so much anger welling up in my right now I can't describe it.  I don't care what your child does in this life, you have no right to wish them dead.  The reason my nephew is the way he is now is mostly because of choices my  brother made.  I must say that now my nephew is accountable only to himself  since many have tried to help him... but he did not have a great start in this life.   That post was followed by 21 comments mostly my sister, niece, sister-in- law (nephew's step mom), nephew's girlfriend and niece's husband.  Really... Facebook is not the place for all of this and I am SO glad that I took my nephew off of my Mom's page so she won't have to see all of that.

Pics by C ;)

When we went to the sunflower field, I set the camera up for C to take a few pictures of me there.  I have NO idea what happened but the pictures have an odd "effect" on them... almost artsy.  Anyway... they're not bad.  Check them out!

Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 9, 2010

A book!

My uncle's biography was finally finished and published.  Check it out on Amazon.  You can "see inside" and check out the intro.  Uncle Eugene was an awesome person and I miss him... especially when I hear a piano playing or I read a book that he recommended a while ago.

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 9, 2010

I Spy Bag

Although I was unable to join Beeps and S on their sewing date, I did do some sewing yesterday after my day with hubby.  I made a few bean bags for some colleagues and then I made T an I Spy bag!  I don't have a picture of the bag because T snatched it right up and SLEPT with it.   It's SO easy to make and I want to make another one for myself ;)

What you need:

sturdy fabric -- I used leftover fleece
thin clear vinyl
sewing machine
clear polyfil pellets (I had a hard time finding this... found it at Walmart in Towson yesterday!)
trinkets (my bag had a google eye, a broken mail key, plastic heart bead, penny, butterfly charm, macaroni noodle, 1 red Mike n Ike, seashell, sequin, pearl, broken cat earring, plastic pink turtle, small plastic tire, blue lego, rubber band, paper clip, silver letter blocks .. I think that's it)

1. Cut fabric so that you have a square or rectangular shape that will fit in your hand easily.
2. Cut an oval(or any other) shape into one piece of fabric... this will be your "window"
3. Cut your vinyl to overlap a bit of the window.. place on wrong side of fabric.
4. Sew the vinyl to the fabric using a zig-zag stitch or other reinforcing stitch.  In retrospect, I would have sewn twice to make sure that it's sturdy enough for the abuse of a toddler.
5.  Put right sides facing each other and sew around, leaving an inch opening.
6.  Turn right side out and place your trinkets inside.
7.  Fill with polyfil then shake the bag around a bit, keeping the hole closed.
8.  Stitch the hole closed... go over it twice to ensure that it will not come loose!

Enjoy :)

Edited to add photo:  (ignore the frayed edges... I wanted a "rustic look" and then I had to fix a leak near the window)

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 9, 2010


Today was the SECOND time I had to run after a ONE year old little girl that was left to play outside with her FOUR year old brother with no parents in sight.  These parents have already had CPS called on them because they had this happen before with the son... they'd just leave him to play outside alone.  They say it's cultural (they're from Turkey) and they are not neglecting their children.  Last time I checked, this is NOT Turkey and they live in a house without a fence and the closest thing to it is a PARKING LOT.  I know there are kids playing in the neighborhood but they're SEVEN... seriously.. a little different and they're playing together.

The girl was walking today in the houses behind ours... alone.  She saw me and just stopped, let me pick her up and carry her back home.  ANYONE could have picked this little girl up and the mom is lucky it was me that picked her up.  I told her this and she just laughed and thanked me for getting her.  SHE DOESN'T GET IT!  There are crazy people out there that can pick up your kid... a car can hit them... they can fall and hurt themselves... play in the opened drain hole and get stuck down there.. ANYTHING can happen.  If I find this little girl on the street alone again, I'm bringing her home with me and calling the police.  This is ridiculous and scary.

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:

  • three day weekends followed by three day weeks :)
  • organization!  I feel like I'm SO on top of things this year and I'm determined to continue in this path.  I think I finally figured it out!
  • laundry done and put away and clothes PURGED.  I told you... I finally got it together!
  • freshly mowed grass thanks to hubby and the teamwork of T and myself sweeping up the sidewalk ;)
  • LOVELY weather this weekend.  If I had my way, the weather would be like that AAAAAAAALL the time.  
  • a wedding already booked for next June.  Yay for photography :)
  • C -- he really goes out of his way to make me feel like a princess!

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 9, 2010

Dirty Clothes

There's a saying in Spanish:  "La ropa sucia se lava en casa" and it SO applies to all the drama that's going on in my family right now on Facebook.  I totally understand that people are angry and upset but there is NO need to put it out there on someone's wall.  Especially when it's not going to make a point for this person.

Oh and if you're wondering what that saying means... it means, you wash your dirty clothes at home... aka.. keep your business to yourself.

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 9, 2010

Post just for Beeps

Since I don't get to talk to Beeps much anymore I wanted to let her know that I have kept the plant she gave me last January alive... and I have proof :)  I also have proof of  a bunch of plants that have survived living in my house for two years!  Woo!  I know she'll be proud ;)

Freak Gerbera Daisy plant that came with "twin" flower heads... still alive!

And budding, might I add?  Check out the flower bud near the tag.

Alive plants :)  The one on the left looks sad but it's because it keeps growing long, not full... I'm trying to force it back up.
Christmas cactus alive well past Christmas...also budding.  Hey buddy, Christmas is not around the corner... yet!
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