Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 9, 2010

Facebook Drama

So the Facebook Drama that I had mentioned before continues.  Yesterday my nephew posted that he wishes he were dead and that his life sucks.  My brother, HIS DAD, "liked" his status.  There is so much anger welling up in my right now I can't describe it.  I don't care what your child does in this life, you have no right to wish them dead.  The reason my nephew is the way he is now is mostly because of choices my  brother made.  I must say that now my nephew is accountable only to himself  since many have tried to help him... but he did not have a great start in this life.   That post was followed by 21 comments mostly my sister, niece, sister-in- law (nephew's step mom), nephew's girlfriend and niece's husband.  Really... Facebook is not the place for all of this and I am SO glad that I took my nephew off of my Mom's page so she won't have to see all of that.

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