Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 1, 2011

Growing older

I'm turning 29 next week and, my first reaction to this upcoming birthday was-- crap, I'm getting OLD.  I've been thinking about how I feel about the upcoming 30s and have realized that I am just starting my life-- life is just starting to get GOOD.  I am lucky to have (and have had) very strong, confident, beautiful women in my family who have aged gracefully and only get better with time.  So, I'm compiling a list of things I have to look forward to:
  • being taken seriously
  • not looking like I'm 12
  • being one hot Mommy
  • looking like I have it all together and maybe actually having it all together ;)
  • being able to look at my life and know that everything I have is because I worked hard for it and all my successes and mistakes are because of what I did
  • knowing the value of good friendships and not wasting time on people that bring you down
  • confidence in myself as a wife
  • mastering the kitchen
  • knowing what is truly important in the grand scheme of life
  • celebrating myself-- my body which has done some pretty awesome stuff like grow a human being, my brains, my achievements
  • living every minute in the now... not wishing time away
I have much to look forward to-- the best is yet to come!

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