Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 1, 2011

Special Event

Tomorrow night, C and I will be attending a special concert at the Kennedy Center in honor of my uncle.  I had picked out something from my closet but decided it wasn't something I wanted to wear.  I went out and got me this little dress today:

You can't see the detail but it has like layers.  I got a little black shrug to  go on top and dressed it up with a brooch with diamonds and purple gems.  I'm wearing my pearls I got for x-mas from my parents.  My aunt saw the picture and thought my earrings needed to be a bit glitzy so that will be added to the outfit. I will also be wearing black or grey tights. I'm thinking of pulling my hair back with my fake hair claw and doing my makeup like I did for my b-day... black eyeliner, smoky grey eyes, glossy lips.  

What do you think?

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