Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 2, 2011

Heart Healthy for Valentines Day

For Valentines Day... or rather, the day before since I have grad class-- I'm briskly walking 5k.  Why?  To show some love to my heart and to challenge myself.  I've been doing 2 miles and 2.5 miles so this would be the first time I will be doing 3.1.  I know I can do it and I'm posting this here to make me accountable ;)

Although I really have to drag myself to the treadmill every day, once I get my workout done I feel good.  It also feels good to have my hubby checking out the progress-- apparently my butt is benefiting from my exercise.

I am glad I've kept up my daily date with the treadmill and hope that it helps me trim down and feel better.  I have not been weighing myself and have not set any weight goals because I don't want to get discouraged when I'm stuck on a number.  My gauge for what I'm doing is how I feel and how my clothes are fitting.  So far so good! :)

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