For our four year anniversary we went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for their quarterly Date Night.
Playing around at Urban Outfitters... they really should clean that mirror.
This screams BALTIMORE. See how hot my hubby looked? That's a paisley tie!
The dress I'm wearing is really cute but I had to cover it up with a cardigan... COLD! Like the headband?
Last anniversary we took a photo like this one at the harbor.... I like this one too ;)
In case you didn't know where we were at...
This is in front of the aquarium... I love these two photos... same exact spot but different focusing points... water...
branch with buds..... : ) It appears as if by magic... or just my camera.
The view from the aquarium :)
The music at the aquarium.... he was awesome!
Great company... T and A. They were pretending they got engaged.... only T wishes it wasn't pretend.
This is A.... he's like this... all the time (with or without alcohol).
C checking out the exhibits... as you can tell, I was checking out the "exhibit"
Lovely view of the harbor with C :)
This is how empty the aquarium seemed to us... it seemed like we were the only ones there and it was AWESOME!
My favorite fish :)
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