Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 3, 2011

Anniversary Plans

March 25th will mark 5 years that C and I have been married.  When we got married we decided we would really celebrate 5, 10, 15, etc.  Well, what do I want to do to celebrate our five years?  I want to paint our shutters, door and weather proof our deck.  I know, romantic, right?  The in-laws are taking the beast so it would be the perfect time to work together and get our house looking nice.  I would rather spend money on paint than on an outing for ourselves.  Plus, five years is the "wood" anniversary... shutters and decks are wood! We will go out to a nice dinner after all our hard work but that's it.  When did I become so practical?

This is the color we'll be painting the shutters and door-- cranapple!

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