Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 1, 2010

Count your Blessings Tuesday #17

Today I am grateful for:

  • the nice long break I was able to have due to the snow... I know I'll have to pay for it in the summer but it was SO worth it!
  • people who are supportive of my photography... it's great to see satisfied customers who like their pictures enough to refer me to others!
  • my funny little man who keeps me laughing and who's growing just WAY too fast.
  • keeping our Christmas decor on longer than most because we celebrate Three Kings Day!
  • the creativity that has been flowing through my system lately... it wants out!
  • my friends who make coming back to work not so bad....
  • my awesome hubby who's trying to dress nice for me ;)  It doesn't go unnoticed!

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